Добавить в корзинуFundamentals of Drawing СПб.: 4арт, 2016. - 72 с., тв. пер., ил. АРТ.12866 Цена: 2880 руб. 2700 руб.
The 1st publication in the series "Fundamentals of Art" (two others are Fundamentals of Painting and Fundamentals of Composition). It is the first and only textbook on academic drawing that is officially approved and recommended by the Russian Academy of Arts. For several years this publication has become a very necessary source for studying academic drawing and is used as a reference book by art schools and academies worldwide. This well illustrated textbook is loaded with tables, images with anatomical casts, sketches and drawings by old masters that show a classical system for academic drawing while illustrating all stages of work of portrait and nude drawing. Дополнительная информация об издании: (129 Kb) (287 Kb)
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